Swiss ISL317xE adopts ± 15kV IEC61000 ESD protection, 3.3V power supply single transceiver, and simultaneously meets the balanced communication standards of RS-485 and RS-422. These devices have very low bus current (+125 µ A/- 100 µ A), so they provide a true "1/8 unit load" to the RS-485 bus. This allows up to 256 transceivers to be used on the network without violating the 32 unit maximum load of the RS-485 specification and without using repeaters. For example, in a remote utility meter reading system, each meter reading is routed to the concentrator using an RS-485 network, so a high allowable node count minimizes the number of relays required.
The receiver (Rx) input has a "totally fail safe" design, which ensures a logic high Rx output if the Rx input is floating, shorted, or terminated but not driven. The hot plug circuit ensures that the Tx and Rx outputs remain in a high impedance state while the power supply is stable.
ISL3170E to ISL3175E limit drives with rotation rates, reduce EMI, and reduce reflections from improperly terminated transmission lines or unterminated stubs in multidrop and multidrop applications. The rotation rate limited version also includes receiver input filtering to enhance noise immunity in the presence of slow input signals.
ISL3170E, ISL3171E, ISL3173E, ISL3174E, ISL3176E, and ISL3177E are configured as full duplex (separate Rx input and Tx output pins) applications. The half duplex version multiplexes Rx inputs and Tx outputs to allow transceivers with output disable in 8 Ld packets.
• Industrial/process control networks