Avago's 2.5A automotive R2 coupler gate driven operational coupler includes an AlGaAs LED, which is optically coupled with an integrated circuit with a power output stage. The ACPL-K34T has fast propagation delay and compact timing bias, making it an ideal design for driving power MOSFETs used in AC-DC and DC-DC converters. The high operating voltage range of the output stage provides the voltage required to drive the gate controller device. The high peak output current provided by the voltage optocoupler makes it very suitable for efficient conversion of high-frequency direct drive power MOSFETs.
AvagoR2 coupler isolation products provide enhanced insulation and reliability, providing crucial safety signal isolation for automotive and high-temperature industrial applications.
Compliant with AEC-Q100 Level 1 Testing Guidelines
Car temperature range: -40 ° C to 125 ° C
Peak output current: minimum 2.0 A.
Rail to rail output voltage
• Propagation delay: maximum 110 ns.
• Dead time distortion:+50 ns/-40 ns
LED current input driver with hysteresis characteristics
Common mode suppression (CMR): minimum 50 kV/µ s at VCM
=1500 volts
Low power supply current allows for bootstrap half bridge
Topology: ICC=maximum 3.9 mA.
Under voltage lockout (UVLO) protection
Hysteresis phenomenon of power MOSFETs
Wide working VCC range: 10 V to 20 V
• Safety Approval:
-UL certified 5000 VRMS for 1 minute
-IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-5 VIORM=1140 V peak
Hybrid powertrain DC/DC converter
EV/PHEV charger
Automotive isolated MOSFET gate driver
• AC and brushless DC motor drive