SN8F5703TG Package: TSSOP-24 SONIX MCU original stock


- Enhanced 8051 microcontroller with reduced 

instruction cycle time (up to 12 times 80C51)
- Up to 8 MHz flexible CPU frequency
- Internal 32 MHz Clock Generator (IHRC), 
1 MHz to 16 MHz crystal, and external 
synchronous clock source selections
- Real-time clock with 32.768 kHz crystal
- 8 KB non-volatileflash memory (IROM) with 
in-system program support
- 256 bytes internal RAM (IRAM)
- 256 bytes external RAM (XRAM)
- 15 interrupt sources with priority levels 
control and unique interrupt vectors
- 13 internal interrupts
- 2external interrupts: INT0, INT1
- 1 set of DPTR
- 2set 8/16-bit timers with 4 operation modes
- 1 set 16-bit timers with 4comparison output 
(PWM) and capture channels
- 1set 16-bit PWM generators: 
each PWM generator has 6output channels 
with inverters and dead-band control
- 12-bit SAR ADC with 11 external and2internal 
channels, and 4 internal reference voltages
- SPI, UART, I2Cinterface with SMBus Support
- On-Chip Debug Support: 
Single-wire debug interface
3hardware breakpoints
Unlimited software breakpoints
ROM data security/protection
- Watchdog and programmable external reset
- 1.8V low voltage detectors
- Wide supply voltage (1.8 V – 5.5 V) and 
temperature (-40 °C to 85 °C) range
- Brushless DC motor
- Home automation
- Household

- Other

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